Больше информации по резюме будет доступно после регистрации
Женщина, 40 лет, родилась 19 марта 1984
Уфа, готова к переезду (Москва), не готова к командировкам
head of marketing department, commercial manager
- Менеджер по продажам, менеджер по работе с клиентами
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день
Опыт работы 22 года
Июль 2010 — по настоящее время
14 лет 9 месяцев
JSC "Building firm "Metako"
head of marketing department
Search, detention and maintenance contracts with major customers, investors;
- Financial analyst agreements (Prisoners and planned);
- Financial analysis of the company, financial planning allocation of cash resources under the contracts;
- Monitoring of process of realization of obligations under the contract (projecting, manufacturing, montage/ building complexes of buildings, engineering preparation, communications with divisions of the company, which necessary work to by the contract;
- Introduction and monitoring compliance of System of Quality management ISO 9001:2000 in the company, carrying out of internal audits of the company;
- Analysis of the markets, the general situation of building field of the RB; the Analysis of the new markets outside of RB;
- Planning of the advertising budget, forecasting;
- Communications with mass-media (preparation of information materials: articles, press releases, advertising placing), media planning;
- Organizing exhibition activities of the company;
- Organizing internet-site of the company: designing and filling
-Company’s promotion in a network in the RB, the Russian Federation, foreign countries;
- Preparing different advertising materials (for mass-media, polygraph production, corporate editions);
- Designing exhibition stands, souvenir production, banners, etc;
Август 2006 — Июнь 2010
3 года 11 месяцев
Joint-Stock Company «Building firm «Metako» (Ufa)
The Specialist of department of marketing (Full employment)
- Searching, the conclusion and conducting contracts, preparation of invoices, certificates, etc.
- Monitoring of process of realization of obligations under the contract (projecting, manufacturing, montage/ building complexes of buildings, engineering preparation, communications with divisions of the company, which necessary work to by the contract;
- Logistics;
- Introduction of System of Quality management ISO 9001:2000 in the company, carrying out of internal audits of the company;
- Analysis of the markets, the general situation of building field of the RB; the Analysis of the new markets outside of RB;
- Planning of the advertising budget, forecasting;
- Communications with mass-media (preparation of information materials: articles, press releases, advertising placing), media planning;
- Organizing exhibition activities of the company;
- Organizing internet-site of the company: designing and filling
-Company’s promotion in a network in the RB, the Russian Federation, foreign countries;
- Preparing different advertising materials (for mass-media, polygraph production, corporate editions);
- Designing exhibition stands, souvenir production, banners, etc;
Февраль 2009 — Апрель 2009
3 месяца
TheAffiliated Company of Joint-Stock Oil Company «Bashneft» - «Bashneft-Ufa» (Ufa)
The Specialist of economical department (practice)
- Carrying out of the financial analysis of company\department activities
- Participation in business and financial planning
Июнь 2004 — Апрель 2006
1 год 11 месяцев
The National Bank of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa)
The Specialist of information-publishing sector (practice in 2004,2006 y-s))
- Communications with mass-media (preparation of information materials: articles, press releases, etc);
- Carrying out a press – conferences, bank conferences;
- Preparing the corporate editions;
- Participation in special actions of the NB RB (the “Hot Line” under references of citizens RB, “Hot Line” with the President of the Russian Federation-2004);
- Monitoring and Content –analysis of the press about banks of the RB, preparing interview of the Manager for the mass-media;
Январь 2003 — Апрель 2006
3 года 4 месяца
«Special Ecological Transporting Company»(Octoberskiy)
PR-Specialist (Part-time employment)
Writing of articles, notes, reviews for city mass-media, placing of advertising modules;
Design and information filling of the corporate edition;
The conclusion and conducting contracts with customers, preparing accounting documentation;
Work with references of citizens;
Carrying out of election campaign of the candidate of City Council
Апрель 2005 — Июнь 2005
3 месяца
Joint-Stock Company «InvestCapitalBank» (Affiliated Company in Oktoberskiy )
The PR-specialist (practice)
- Realizing Special actions, celebratory events;
- Media planning;
- Communications mith mass-media: preparation of information materials, carrying out special actions, advertising modules designing;
- Informing clients about bank services;
- VIP-clients attraction
Сентябрь 2004 — Июнь 2005
10 месяцев
"Crocus TV" (Octoberskiy)
PR-Manager (Part-time employment)
- Preparing advertising rollers for TV, preparing information notes, advertise modules for newspaper;
-Realizing different special actions
Май 2004 — Сентябрь 2004
5 месяцев
The state enterprise «Park of Сulture and Rest»,
PR-manager, Trade manager (Season work on a vacancy)
The organization of city celebrations
Commercial activities – management of the shops and cafes on the territory:
Goods, products delivery
Documentation conducting
Reception of employees
Communications with mass-media about activities, different celebrations, information notes
Май 2003 — Сентябрь 2003
5 месяцев
The state enterprise «Park of Сulture and Rest»,
PR-manager, Trade manager (Season work on a vacancy)
- The organization of city celebrations
- Commercial activities – management of the shops and cafes on the territory:
Goods, products delivery
Documentation conducting
Reception of employees
- Communications with mass-media about activities, different celebrations, information notes
Обо мне
100 % possession of "the beautiful and effective syllable" of the PR
Creative ability with real financial and economic knowledge
Wide range of knowledges, skills in the marketing, advertising, finance, manufactures metal constructions, buildings, web-design, standardization and certification by ISO, financial analyze, etc.
Non-standard, but competent and effective approaches to the problem’s decision
Tremendous working capacity
For example - enormous increase of recognizing of the company «Metako» in the RB, the Russian Federation and behind its limits, active promotion in a network, confidential relations with project manufactures of the Ufa State, non-standard approaches to PR-activities in the conditions of limited financial recourses, active assistance in introduction System of Quality Management ISO 9001:2000, meeting, supporting and translating for the Commission from Austrian Certificate Organization «Bureu Veritas», work for trade mark registration, etc.
Высшее образование
The Bashkirian Academy of State Service and Management by President Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa)
Finance and Credit
The Ufa State Oil Technical University
Public Relations
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
The Internal auditor of System of Quality Management ISO 9001:2000 with skills of manager SQM
Russian Agency of Support of Small and Average business (Moscow)
Student Program «Work&Travel USA»
Star-Travel (Ufa)
Legal-reference system "The Consultant+"
Consulting Agency "Respekt" (Ufa)
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Россия
Разрешение на работу: Россия
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения