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Was online more than two weeks ago


Female, 40 years, born on 24 January 1985

Not looking for a job

Ufa, willing to relocate (Moscow, Saint Petersburg), prepared for occasional business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Accountant, HR specialist, economist

80 000  in hand

  • Accountant
  • Educator, babysitter
  • Sales assistant, sales cashier
  • HR specialist
  • Economist

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 18 years 9 months

May 2023currently
1 year 11 months

Ufa, www.lazurit.info

Retail... Show more

HR Specialist/Additional Office Accountant
Formation and timely submission of complete and reliable accounting information on the activities of subsidiary companies in accordance with the accounting policies of TDL. Management of accounting and preparation of internal interim reporting on the financial and economic activities of the subsidiary. Ensuring payroll calculations for employees of the Subsidiary Service Department and submitting data to the Central Office for accrual in the ZUP database. Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions (for subordinates), monitoring their compliance with the requirements of legislative and regulatory legal acts on labor protection. Control over the timely and correct execution of accounting documentation and reflection on the accounting accounts for cash discipline and merchandise flow. For other areas of accounting, he processes documentation and accepts it for accounting personally. Preparation of statistical reporting in the time frame and manner specified for each form (P-2, P-2 short, P-4, P-4 NZ, P-1, P-3 other forms, including annual, at the request of the Statistical Authority). Organization of accounting of property, liabilities and business transactions, incoming fixed assets, inventory and inventory, execution of the monthly payment schedule, performance of work (services), results of financial and economic activities of subsidiaries, timely reflection in the accounting accounts of transactions related to their movement. Monitoring compliance with the procedure for processing primary and accounting documents, settlements and payment obligations, conducting inventories of fixed assets, inventory, inventory and document flow, audits of the organization of accounting and internal reporting, as well as documentary audits in the organization’s divisions. Taking measures to prevent shortages, illegal spending of DS and inventory items, violations of financial and economic legislation. Ensure the legality, timeliness and correctness of the execution of documents, work (services) performed, and calculations of wages for employees of subsidiaries. Ensure the legality, timeliness and correctness of the execution of documents, work (services) performed, and calculations of wages for employees of subsidiaries. Participation in the preparation of materials on shortages and thefts of DS and inventory items for subsidiaries, control the transfer, if necessary, of these materials to investigative and judicial authorities. Carrying out work to ensure strict compliance with staff, financial and cash discipline, payment calendars, the legality of writing off shortages, accounts receivable and other losses from accounting accounts, the safety of accounting documents, registration and transfer in the prescribed manner to the central authority. Providing methodological assistance to employees of subsidiary divisions on accounting, control and internal reporting issues. Security: timeliness and completeness of reflection of activity results in accounting accounts compliance with warehouse, accounting and trade accounting keeping directories of subsidiary contractors up to date Organization of personnel records management, including military registration. The process of organizing personnel records management includes: familiarization with internal local acts (Regulations on remuneration, Regulations on bonuses, Internal labor regulations, Collective agreement (stored in the accounting department of the subsidiary) and other local acts) at the time of employment; preparation of a full package of documents for the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees. Control the receipt of primary documentation from counterparties, incl. Bills to pay. Drawing up applications for payment. Monitoring the document flow of subsidiary stores. Drawing up inventory schedules for stores and conducting inventories of inventory, fixed assets, cash, document flow in strict accordance with the rules and requirements of the Accounting Policy: weekly (warehouse) monthly (stores): 2 stores per month (less than 10 stores in the area) 4 stores per month (more than 10 or more stores in the area and there is an assistant) unscheduled (shops) Collection and verification of Commodity reports from warehouses, service departments, stores within the time frame and in the manner determined by internal orders Organization of electronic document management of incoming invoices. Quality control of document scans (incoming invoices, contracts with customers). Organization of sending correspondence (including via Russian Post, express delivery) Distribution of functionality over time: Daily functionality: email processing checking scans of retail contracts, preparation (until 14:00) of applications for payment, reception and processing of primary documentation, personnel records management (hiring, transfer, dismissal), receiving from structural units and checking Product reports, reporting on internal memos (viewing internal memos), checking the availability of contracts with customers, credit documents. Weekly functionality: carrying out an inventory of warehouses (main warehouse, claims warehouse, assembled furniture warehouse) according to the procedure defined by the Accounting Policy (preparing an inventory order, signing INV-3 with financially responsible persons, calculation by the counter method, output of INV-3, INV-26, preparation of an order on the results of the inventory). Monthly functionality: no later than the 1st day of the month following the reporting month: accrual of rental expenses and fixed utility costs based on lease agreements (last day of the month of the corresponding period), filling out a time sheet (all employees). No later than the 20th day of the month following the reporting month: checking and preparing cash documents (cash book, cashier's report) for sending to the central office (sewn). Sending to the central office according to the schedule of return vehicles sending original supporting documents to the accounting department of the central office.
March 2022currently
3 years 1 month

Ufa, www.umpo.ru/

Heavy Engineering... Show more

Leading pre-production engineer
Keeping records and movements of units and parts, processing current applications and orders, supporting and tracking orders with the customer by phone, recording passports and documents for units and parts, preparing reports, correspondence with customers via 1C.
August 2020March 2022
1 year 8 months

Ufa, www.umpo.ru/

Heavy Engineering... Show more

Leading HR Specialist
Personnel records, formation and storage of personal files of employees, ensuring proper storage of files and cooperation with other departments regarding personal files of employees, issuing certificates.
August 2017April 2020
2 years 9 months
ГБДОУ д/с №4

Saint Petersburg, d004.petersburgedu.ru/

Educational Institutions... Show more

Implement a program of educational activities in accordance with state standards. Observe children's behavior and promote the development of their communication and cognitive abilities. Organize social and educational activities aimed at the development of children. Provide first aid if necessary. Organize leisure time for children. Coordinate the activities of the assistant teacher and junior teaching staff, monitor compliance with nutritional standards in the institution. Carry out the educational process taking into account the individual characteristics of children and the recommendations of related specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, etc.) Actively interact with children's parents. Maintain the necessary documentation
August 2017August 2019
2 years 1 month
ГБДОУ д/с #4

Saint Petersburg, d004.petersburgedu.ru/

Educational Institutions... Show more

Assistant teacher
Compliance with the regime of raising children in kindergarten, sanitary and hygienic standards and assistance to the teacher
February 2016June 2017
1 year 5 months

Salekhard, lukoil-zs.ru

Oil and Gas... Show more

Reception into the warehouse, weighing, storage and issuance of material assets. Checking the compliance of values ​​and documentation. Moving valuables to storage locations, sorting by type, quality and other characteristics. Organization of storage in such a way as to eliminate the possibility of loss or damage to stored valuables. Monitoring work related to loading, unloading and placing valuables in the warehouse. Completing a batch of valuables depending on received orders. Drawing up documentation indicating malfunction, damage, shortage of tools, devices, etc. Maintaining records of valuables stored in the warehouse and related documentation. Participation in the inventory process. Ensuring the safety of material assets received for storage. Performing tasks related to monitoring the condition of fire safety equipment and maximizing the rationalization of the space of the premises entrusted to him to facilitate the search for the necessary valuables and guarantee the uninterrupted production process.
April 2015February 2016
11 months

Ufa, tkstart.ru

Retail... Show more

Reconciliation accountant
Reconciliations with suppliers, cash management, work in 1C 8.2, creating and making payments for goods, rent, taxes and salaries.
May 2012October 2014
2 years 6 months

Saint Petersburg, www.X5.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Cashier operator
Serving customers at the checkout, displaying goods on the sales floor, tracking product deadlines, packaging change, filling out the cash book.
January 2012March 2012
3 months

Saint Petersburg, www.rusprofile.ru/id/226882

Hotels, Restaurants, Food Service Industry, Catering... Show more

Accountant cashier and material desk accountant
Entering into 1C:8.1 data from cash register tapes of the report for the day, summarizing all readings, creating tables in Excel for these indicators and analytics. Preparation of monthly cash reports and cash books. Accounting for materials (receipt, consumption), write-off, inventory, analytics.
April 2010January 2012
1 year 10 months
Автоцентр Аврора

Saint Petersburg, www.autocenter-aurore.ru

Automotive Business... Show more

Position: Accountant-cashier Responsibilities: - acceptance and recalculation of cash, collection; - accounting of settlements with personnel, including accountable persons; - preparation of advance reports; - accounting of settlements with creditors and debtors; - cash management; - preparation of cash reports; - work in 1C on accounts 50, 51, 60, 62, 70.71; Computer skills: Experienced PC user. (1C, MS Word, MS Excel, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office Outlook, SPS "Garant", "Consultant Plus") Language knowledge: English, basic level.
March 2008February 2010
2 years
ООО «Бриз»
Position: Cashier of the main cash register. Responsibilities: - accounting of settlements with personnel, including accountable persons; - preparation of advance reports; - accounting of settlements with creditors and debtors; - cash management; - preparation of cash reports; - maintaining a current account; - posting of transactions in the 1C database to accounts 50, 51, 60, 62, 70.71; - issuance of wages.
August 2005March 2008
2 years 8 months


Store accountant
Position: Store accountant. Responsibilities: 1. Experience with office equipment (computer, printer, scanner, copier); 2. Experience with programs: 1C: Accounting in commercial companies, MS Word, MS Excel, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office Outlook; 3. Work with primary documentation; 4. Drawing up statements and journal orders for accounts business transactions; 5. Accounting for cash and settlement and credit operations; 6. Transactions with the bank at a basic level; 7. Work with financial statements at a basic level. 8. Performing duties as deputy store director


Skill proficiency levels
Коммуникативные навыки
Легко обучаемость
Организаторские навыки
1С: Предприятие 8
Кадровое делопроизводство
Работа с большим объемом информации
Деловая коммуникация
1С: Зарплата и кадры
Ведение архива

About me

Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, System GARANT, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Internet Explorer, ConsultantPlus, 1C Software > 1C Buhgalterija, 1C Software, 1С: Предприятие 8, 1С: Зарплата и кадры, Lexema, Infor LN.

Higher education

Уфимский филиал Всероссийского заочного финансово-экономического института
Судебно-налоговая экспертиза, экономист
Уфимский нефтяной техникум
бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит, экономист



EnglishA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

Школа психодиагностики Ильи Степанова
ООО "Нью Скул"
Школа "ЛБЛ" психолога-практика С. Хохлова
ИП Хохлов Сергей Сергеевич
Учебный Центр дополнительного образования "Все Вебинары.ру"
Учебный Центр дополнительного образования "Все Вебинары.ру", Образование и педагогика

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour