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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Female, 37 years, born on 3 June 1987
Not looking for a job
Ufa, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
A member of a great team! Удаленная работа / Home office
- Store director, store chain director
- Other
- Procurement manager
- Sales manager, account manager
- Project manager
Employment: full time, part time, project work
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 16 years 1 month
January 2021 — currently
4 years 3 months
Retail... Show more
Regional Franchise Manager Ural
Руководитель команды франчайзинга в регионе Урал ( Уфа, Тюмень, Екатеринбург, Челябинск, Магнитогорск, Оренбург, Пермь, Сургут).
Команда ,которая открывает новые магазины по франшизе и команда ,которая ведет полное сопровождение после торжественного открытия ( Business consulting).
January 2018 — currently
7 years 3 months
Ufa, metro-cc.ru
Retail... Show more
Franchise Development Manager
To help our partners, who signed the contract, open or remodel the store according the international standards. P&L analysis, making the project with the modern equipment and logical category analysis. Opened 21 stores of brand Fasol in the Republic of Bashkortostan.
November 2016 — currently
8 years 5 months
Sheraton Hotel Ufa
Hotels, Restaurants, Food Service Industry, Catering... Show more
Purchasing Manager
Purchasing Manager:
-to find new suppliers for the hotel
-to sigh all documents, contracts with the supplier
-to control all prices of purchasing goods for the hotel
-to manage the purchasing department
July 2015 — November 2016
1 year 5 months
Ufa, metro-cc.ru
Retail... Show more
High Volume Sales Manager
To control the high volume sales in the store from the very beginning till the end of the order. To achieve the sets and goals of your Manager. Personal meetings with the clients. To analyze the wholesale market of all segments HoReCa and Trader.
January 2011 — July 2015
4 years 7 months
Metro C&C
Price Comparison specialist
-To ensure competitive prices for goods in Metro Cash and Carry stores,for all segments HoReCa,Trader and SCO.
-Communicating info on the price promotions within competition, major seasonal changes + sales outs to Regional Buying
-Giving proposals on changes in local competition list
-Maintenance of competitor prices in the agreed tool (CPC, IT tool or Excel)
-Collection of data output
-Organization of data collection with involvement from “friendly professional customer”
-Price monitoring according to agreed schedule or special requests
July 2009 — December 2010
1 year 6 months
Metro Cash and Carry
FM assistant
-to support Floor Managers with necessary information, to prepare reports and gather information
-to coordinate interactions between Floor Managers ,Department Managers and Metro store employees
-to keep egisters for safety. To assist FFloor Managers, responsible for correponding instructions, in organizing of primary, special and recurrent instructions for employees
- to know the sales computer program,the other software, the appropriate hardware and the office equipment within the scope required to carry out the different tasks
-to know work of different departments of the Store ,Metro Store structures,procedures, closely connected with the work of exterior organizations
June 2006 — September 2006
4 months
Sheraton Pittsburgh
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Driver's license category A
About me
• Windows, MS Office, Internet,Data Ware House ,MMS store
• open
• ready for new information
• analitical skills
• исполнительность
• responsibility
• firmness of purpose
• driving License cat.B
• ready for busines trips
• hobby : swimming
• single
Higher education
Гостиничное дело
Факультет романо-германской филологии, Английский язык
Tests, examinations
Metro C&C Head Office
OOO Metro Cash &Carry, Franchising Development
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter