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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 34 years, born on 25 June 1990

Not looking for a job

Ufa, willing to relocate (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Other regions, Kazakhstan, Moscow, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Uzbekistan), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Full-time position as a Lead Engineer of Quality Assurance Control. Project Manager. Civil Engineer

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 11 years 3 months

October 2019August 2021
1 year 11 months
China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corporation/CPECC. EPC - contractor
Lead civil-engineer/QAQC
Work in the structure of EPC - contractor PROJECT: "AMURSKY GPZ". - Ensuring the execution of works within the established deadlines and in strict compliance with the work organization projects, construction drawings and specifications for production and acceptance of construction and installation works. construction and installation works acceptance. - Development, review and approval of Technical Conditions, the Plans of the works, the Plans of Inspection and Testing Plans, Quality Assurance Plans. Quality Assurance Plans in conjunction with the contractor. - Conducting meetings with the contractor to improve The level of quality of work at the site. - Technical supervision of general construction Coating work, hydrostatic testing, welding, flame retardant coating, fabrication and installation metalwork. -Supervision of inspections carried out by contractor. - Conducting audits and issuing notices of Nonconformance or change reports. - Verification of the Contract Documentation. - Technical supervision of compliance and acceptance of materials and equipment. - Supervision of timely submittal of TQ's subject to Deviations from the working documentation, providing Technical solutions as part of the field engineering, Participation in the development and issuance of "Red Redlines. - Maintaining records and consolidating the current status of works: physical performance, timely delivery ID, RFI inspections and acceptances/requests for inspections, and the dynamics of correcting violations. Result: - Phase I of the project was successfully implemented in time 1 and 2 technological lines are put into operation in 2021.
June 2019October 2019
5 months
JSC ``Ufa-AviaGas'' Ufa, -------
Head of Technical Supervision Department
PROJECT 1: "Reconstruction of CS 19 "Sharan Reconstruction of the Urengoy-Petrovsk and Urengoy-Novopskov gas pipelines with GPU replacement". PROJECT 2: Reconstruction of CS 17 Polyana Reconstruction of the Polyana CS 17 Urengoy-Petrovsk and Urengoy-Novopskov gas pipelines with the GPU replacement". - Technical supervision of construction and installation work Construction and assembly works and acceptance of the completed Accepting completed facilities from contractors. - Control over the execution of work plans, as well as observation of volumes. - Working with the supervisory authorities: Gazprom Gaznadzor, Rostekhnadzor. - Participation in review and approval of design changes arising during during construction and approval of changes in design solutions. Result: During his work successfully accomplished such tasks as: - Certification and obtaining a certificate of admission to welding technology - Development and approval of technical documentation - Conducting inspections in cooperation with Gazpromgaznadzor and Rostechnadzor Gaznadzor and Rostechnadzor, withdrawal of comments and closure of notification - Audit of structural subdivision, technical supervision department technical supervision
April 2018June 2019
1 year 3 months
Zvezda LLC Order of Lenin Nefteprovodmontazh Trust Novy Urengoy, -------
Head of Department
Work in the Contractor's structure. PROJECT: "Condensate Stabilization Unit at Achimov deposits of the Nadym-Pur-Taz region". - Organization and control of the structural subdivisions The work of the following structural subdivisions: general construction works (EKP, Fireproofing, insulating and laying works, foundations and bases), installation of area for installation of process pipelines (internal pipelines network, inter-unit piping, NGL), electrical installation Electrical installation and instrumentation (electrochemical treatment, environmental protection EHS (including the skin effect method), ATC, OPS), Linear Engineering personnel (engineering and technical service, engineering design department, estimate department). Task setting, definition of objectives. Total number of personnel at different stages. various stages of 250 - 350 persons. - Planning and allocation of production resources - Development of work schedules - Organization and control of the work performance contractors - Control of expenditures on maintenance of material and technical resources material and technical resources - Documentary support of the work and activities construction control - Development of technical documentation - Introduction of new methods and forms of work organisation, Optimization of resources usage - Performance and quality assessment quality of performance of production tasks by the heads of the sections. Result: Completed construction projects transferred to the NDP and put into operation in stages 2018 - 2019.
July 2017April 2018
10 months
Zvezda LLC Order of Lenin Nefteprovodmontazh trust
Production and Technical department Engineer
Zvezda LLC Order of Lenin Nefteprovodmontazh trust Production and Technical department ------- Duties included: - technical supervision of construction, electrical installation works at different stages (operational control) - control and verification of the volume of work performed, compliance with their design and estimating documentation and standards - planning, scheduling and production plans, monthly-daily schedule, expected accomplishment - control over the implementation of the scope of work according to the ISG - execution and delivery of executive documentation - conducting and execution of the input control procedure - participation in the coordination, development and approval design changes - analysis of design estimates, verification of the scope of work - accounting of the implementation of physical volumes;
November 2013July 2017
3 years 9 months
LLC BashInvestDomStroy
construction manager
Duties included: - ensuring production and business activities - coordination of contractors - coordination of the work of masters and foremen - monitoring compliance with production technology - monitoring compliance with labor protection at the site - change and coordination of design decisions - execution of the procedure for the incoming control of materials and equipment - coordination of issues with municipal authorities - material report, write-off of materials - commissioning of the facility - (multi-unit residention in the microdistrict ``Ural'', Ufa);
July 2012October 2013
1 year 4 months
LLC Center Stali
Construction manager
Duties included: - coordination of contractors - maintaining and accounting of executive documentation - organization at an object storage facility - design decisions coordination - coordination of issues with municipal authorities - commissioning of the facility - (administratively household building and storage area on
September 2011July 2012
11 months
FSUE Control Station № 609 at the federal agency of special construction
Construction & Mechanical Foreman
FSUE Control Station № 609 at the federal agency of special construction Duties included: - management of workers at the construction site - monitoring compliance with technology in production works - monitoring compliance with safety and labor protection at the construction site - reception of materials and structures as well as their accounting - production of the necessary center and geodetic works;
June 2010June 2011
1 year 1 month
Service in The Armed Forces Of The Russian Federation
Radio Communications Officer
Wire and Radio Communications at mine clearing (Urman, 2011);
April 2009May 2009
2 months
LLC Building & Construction Department
Concrete Carpenter
№ 2 Monilitsrtroy (internship) ------- Duties included: - solving general problems on the forms and methods of production economic activity at the construction site - maintaining executive documentation - monitoring the implementation of production tasks;


Skill proficiency levels
Construction site,
Quality Assurance,
technical supervision,
Civil Engineering,
hydraulic testing
technical supervision of compliance and acceptance of materials and equipment,
Planned Maintenance,
Field Engineering Managing,
documentary support of works and measures,
technical supervision of construction and installation works,
Electrical Installation,
Total Stations
Approval design,
National Welding Inspection Agency III level
Visual Measuring Control II level

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category A, B

About me

- Proactive attitude to life - Result oriented - Desire for development and professional growth - Hobbies - architecture, reading, mountain skiing.

Higher education

International Management Academy
MBA Project Management, Project Manager
Electrochemical protection of main pipelines, Engineer
The Chuvash state university
Industrial and Civil Engineering, Bachelors Degree
Bashkir College of Civil Engineering
Construction And Operation Of Buildings And Structures , Construction Technician



EnglishB1 — Intermediate

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter