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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Male, 38 years, born on 1 March 1987
Not looking for a job
Ufa, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
Automation control engineer, ICSS engineer, instrument engineer
150 000 ₽ in hand
- Other
Employment: full time, project work
Work schedule: full day, rotation based work
Work experience 16 years 7 months
August 2016 — currently
8 years 8 months
LLC “Zarubezhneft dobycha Kharyaga”
Komi Republic, www.zarubezhneft.ru/
ICSS supervisor
- development of enhanced control strategies, control system optimization;
- cooperation with contractors on contractual obligations;
- FAT and SAT of ICSS equipment;
- development of spare parts purchase plans;
- development of automation systems maintenance procedures.
February 2012 — August 2016
4 years 7 months
Dietsmann Ltd. Khariaga Total project
Oil and Gas... Show more
ICSS engineer
Scope of activity: Automation system and process control;
- mounting and maintenance of automation systems, instrument gauges and transmitters;
- assembling, start-up and adjustment of automation systems for successfully commissioning of new wellheads and facilities of oil preparation for transportation;
- repair and maintenance of Emerson Process Management (“DeltaV”), Allen-Bradley and Siemens automation systems, Triconex safety system and fiscal oil metering system SGC “Meteor”;
- development and improvement of projects logic for all listed automation systems;
- configuring project and database with PI Software;
- commissioning for new sensors, working with subcontractors;
- teamwork with instrument service on adjustment and maintenance of thermocouples, level gauges, pressure gauges, flow meters, adjustment and debugging of signal systems and inhibitions;
- working with SAP system.
April 2010 — February 2012
1 year 11 months
OOO «Lukoil-Inform»
Automatic control engineer
Scope of activity: Automation system of oil accounting units;
- Carrying out and metrological maintenance of calibrations;
- Carrying out operation for metrological factors control, calibration equipment of commercial account units;
- Maintenance and repairing of fiscal oil systems: OMNI, IMC, FloBoss.
July 2009 — April 2010
10 months
OAO «Nefteavtomatika»
Automatic control engineer
Scope of activity: Automation system of oil accounting units;
- technical maintenance («field level» - sensor of temperature, density, pressure etc., turbine flow meter, piston pipe unit; «upper» level cabinet and controllers, supervisor's computers);
- system administration and computer maintenance;
- failure troubleshooting;
Geographic location: Ufa city, Russian Federation.
February 2008 — November 2008
10 months
Energosberegayushchie Tehnologii
Part-programming engineer
Scope of activity: Gas drier equipment;
- receiving and preparing draft proposal from clients;
- structure designing of automation system;
- designing algorithms and programming controllers;
- designing and programming user interface (SCADA-system Master SCADA);
- installation and follow-up service;
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Driver's license category B, C
About me
Family status: married;
Hobbies: sport (football, volleyball, table tennis), guitar, exchange trading, website design;
Character's feature: connectivity, persistence, good study ability.
Higher education
Automation, Automated Technologies and Production
Professional development, courses
GE, Operation and maintenance of Bently Nevada 3500 vibration systems
Siemens, S7 Service 1 Course (ST-SERV1)
Schneider Electric, Overview and maintenance of Triconex system
Rotork, Setting and maintains of Rotork electrical drive
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter