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Male, 56 years, born on 21 May 1968
Not looking for a job
Ufa, willing to relocate (Leningrad Oblast, Moscow Oblast), not prepared for business trips
Electronics engineer
2 000 $ in hand
- Sales manager, account manager
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 31 year 4 months
April 1997 — currently
28 years
Scientific and Manufacturing 'Grant' firm Ufa, Russia
Senior electronics engineer
Skills Summary:
The analogue and digital electronic techniques design for control and accumulation information systems, knowledge about constructing principles of a measurement techniques on the basis of pressure, temperature, humidity, vibration, acceleration and other sensors, knowledge about thermocompensation theory for nonlinear sensors, researching information about last news of the electronic companies and generation ideas about their possibility for applying in advanced designs, the principal electronic circuits design, the management of engineers group participating in the project, knowledge about assemblers for programming number microcontrollers (PIC16, PIC17, PIC18 - MICROCHIP, family MCS-51 - ATMEL, INFINEON, ANALOG DEVICES and other, family HC-08 - MOTOROLA), and also about high level programming languages as C and C++, skills of processors selection for the specific targets and quick development of recent chips in the field of microprocessor engineering (I know structure and common information about next microcontroller’s families: AVR - ATMEL, MSP430 - Texas Instrument, HC05, HC11 and HC12 - Motorola, DSP - companies Analog Devices, Fujitsu and Texas Instrument, I watching for information about new Microchip family DsPIC30), quick development of the debugging programs for microcontroller’s software, knowledge in the field of constructing logic circuits on PLD and FPGA basis, experience in programming of the Lattice Semiconductor company chips with usage of the VHDL and AHDL programming languages, knowledge about physical and logical bases of constructing next interfaces I2C, SPI, RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, CAN2.0B, Current Loop, HART, MicroLAN, USB, Centronix and programmatic implementation of protocols, for example, MODBUS, software engineering for PC with the purpose of testing designed electronic equipment through COM, LPT and USB ports.
To inform you about my duties in this enterprise I gave information about most important projects, where I took part during my activity here. If you want to get more information about my job, I can give it later.Dipping and power undepending manometers-thermometer. These devices are used for petroleum and gas drill holes research. With my participation four models of the given devices have developed. My participation consist in development of the devices hardware and software at low programming level(with using assembler). The basic principles of interaction between device and personal computer were realized. In the first and second models of these devices the microprocessors of family MCS-51 were used. The models difference is the operating temperature conditions (accordingly for first -40 … +90 C degrees , for second -40 … +125 C degrees). This approach has required to use the various electronic components base with uniform exchange information algorithm. In the third and fourth models the microprocessors of family PIC16 were used. It was connected with memory capacity reduction and need to increase the time of research in the drill holes. The difference between third and forth models is determinated by temperature parameter. During development I used skills in C++ programming for debugging algorithms with computer.- assembler MCS-51 (PROVIEW-32 software tool),- assembler PIC16 (MPLAB)Measuring circuits: the sensor of pressure is silicon on sapphire,Circuit techniques performance on the basis of electronic components of the companies: Analog Devices, MAXIM, Microchip, Atmel, Phillips, Seico EPSON.The programming language C ++: the utilities for debugging the command system for information interchange with the device.Multifunctional controller for management of technological objects.This controller can be used for different technological objects management. I took part in development of the basic controller’s circuits and gave advises to programmers who worked with low level software. The controller is created on the HC08 family processor basis (Motorola). The controller’s structure provides an opportunity of work with 8 analog channels (for connection of gauges of pressure, temperature, humidity, vibration) and with 16 channels for control of power executive devices. As the controller’s interface with the operator a light diodes indication, keyboard and matrix LCD were stipulated. For communication with another technological object CAN-interface was used during development of this controller.The assembler HC08 (ICS08AB In- Circuit Simulator)Circuit design on the basis of next electronic components companies:Analog Devices, MAXIM, Motorola, Vantis, Seico EPSON.PLD programming (DesignDirect-CPLD) Universal manometer-thermometer. The device is intended for the temperature and pressure parameters control on a surface of petroleum and gas wells, and also can be used as the primary measuring converter for telecommunication systems with the half-duplex interface RS-485(MODBUS protocol) using. The given device can be used, as the independent accumulating information module, and as gauge for control systems. My participation consists in the development of the basic device circuit and in development of software. The developed software provides to support of measuring algorithms which were offered by the customers.The assembler PIC16 (MPLAB)Measuring circuits: the gauge of pressure - silicon on sapphire,Circuit design performance on the basis of electronic components of the companies:Analog Devices, MAXIM, Microchip, Phillips, Seico EPSON.The programming language C ++: the utilities for debugging the command system for information interchange with the device through serial ports RS-232 and RS-485.The outflow detection system for petroleum transportation pipelines. This system was built on the two universal manometer- thermometers basis. Accuracy of the outflow place definition is up to 1-3 meters at the distance about 5 kilometers. My participation consists in the completion universal manometers-thermometers software development. The work synchronization algorithms of manometers in system were developed.The assembler PIC16 (MPLAB)The programming language C ++: the utilities for debugging the command system for information interchange with the device through serial ports RS-232 and RS-485.
The accumulation information system for the dipping centrifugal pumps.This system was developed for the special petroleum and gas obtaining equipment called the the dipping centrifugal pumps. My participation consists in the basic circuits device design and in the measuring and information transfer algorithms development. The information transfer from the device to the control board of the dipping centrifugal pump was carried out with the high-voltage lines power using.The assembler PIC16 (MPLAB)Measuring circuits: the gauge of pressure - silicon on sapphire, Gauge of temperature - platinum termistor, Gauge of vibration - integrated (Analog Devices)Circuit design performance on the basis of electronic components of the companies:Analog Devices, MAXIM, Microchip, Phillips, Seico EPSON.The accumulation information module. This module can be use the gathering information from the independent dipping and universal manometers- thermometers. My participation consists from the basic device circuit development and the algorithms building. The development has passed a number of the circuit design stages. The module structure was made with the microcontroller, non-volatile memory, real timer clock, graphic LCD. During the module modernization its structure constantly changed by criteria of consumption reduction and perfection of electronic element base. The device is the container for measuring data transfer primary devices to the personal computer. The data exchange can be perform with using either RS-232, or RS-485.The assembler MCS-51 (ProView32),The assembler PIC17 (MPLAB)The assembler PIC18 and C (HIGH TECH PICC-18) - new projectCircuit design performance on the basis of electronic components of the companies: MAXIM, Microchip, Atmel, Phillips, Seico EPSON, LCD Seico Instrument.The programming language C ++: the utilities for debugging the command system for information interchange with the device.The complex dinamometer system. This system need to control the effectivity of the obtaining petroleum and gas equipment using. The development includes the primary measuring converter design and the information module. My participation consists from development of the basic circuits and the low programming level software for the both modules. The primary measuring converter is constructed on tensor-sensor base. This project part carried out in three performances. The first performance - device with current output (4-20мА), second performance - device with PWM output (carrying frequency about 100kHz), third performance - device with a digital output(exit) (interface RS-485). The information module was built on the accumulation information module basis.The assembler PIC16 (MPLAB)Measuring circuits: the gauge of effort – the tensors bridge,Circuit design performance on the basis of electronic components of the companiesAnalog Devices, MAXIM, Microchip, Raltron.
November 1993 — February 1997
3 years 4 months
Automatic Scientific laboratory Odessa, Ukraine
Electronics engineer
Skills Summary:
Assembler MCS51 family (ACS-51 tool box), routing of printed circuit cards (PCAD-4.5), building of logic electronic circuits (ORCAD), controllers electronic circuits design, programming of industrial controllers, work with technical documentation, new electronic components independent studying, mathematical model design (MATHLAB Conrtol System Tool Box), montage and adjustment of electronic equipment, including high voltage equipment.
The involvement in the control systems design for the food-processing industry objects, in particular, the control system for the rotary fast-freeze aggregates, the control system for the freeze drying equipment, control systems for refrigerator sets on the transport etc. Building and calculating of mathematical model which describing freeze drying aggregate, the control algorithms which made for this equipment on the mathematical modeling results. Involvement in the structural and principal schemas design of the control system for this aggregate on industrial controllers basis, and also involvement in software engineering for the constructed control system. An electronic circuit design of control system for rotary fast-freeze aggregates, selection of electronic components, simulation of logical modulus of the system on the program ORCAD basis. Montage and adjustment of the control system hardware. Involvement in testing the control system as hardware engineer. Involvement in the projects with the general subject “refrigerating machinery automation on the transportation (automobile, railway and marine )”. Implementation of operations like routing printed circuit cards for a number of systems, involvement in montage and adjustment of electronics equipment.
Driving experience
Driver's license category B
About me
The ability to understand the building principles of measuring channels, selection of processors to resolve a particular problem for the aggregate aspects of problem statement. As control manager of the project, I can distribute the tasks between the project participants, make the scheduling of the project, supervision of the project and preparation of technical documentation.
- CAD software skills: PCAD200x, Altium Designer, Kompas.
- Embedded firmware soft: μKeil, IAR embededed workbench, Atmel Studio,
- Special software: Mathlab
Higher education (master)
Odessa Polytechnic University
1987-1993 Odessa Polytechnical University, electronics engineer
Ufa Air Technical School
Manufacture of electronic and electrical devices of automation, technical specialist
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter