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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than a week ago
Male, 45 years, born on 13 June 1979
Not looking for a job
Ufa, willing to relocate (Azerbaijan, Other regions, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine), prepared for business trips
Drilling Manager / Supervisor / Engineer
- Other
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 22 years 9 months
September 2017 — currently
7 years 7 months
Ufa, www.burinteh.com
Metallurgy, Metalwork... Show more
Projects manager
Key responsibility: Project management for Integrated Services providing in Russian service company Burintekh. Contract management, Sales, Bid and tenders management, Engineering support.
March 2016 — September 2017
1 year 7 months
Moscow, www.gazprom.ru
Oil and Gas... Show more
Senior Drilling Engineer
- Delivery of safe, environmentally acceptable drilling plans that meet Company’s drilling engineering technical integrity standards with a focus on continuous improvement
- Lead Well planning activities
- Engineering integrity and Compliance.
- Basis of Design and Technical assurance
- Risk Management
- Transfer of best drilling practices and Operational support during execution phase
- Continuous improvement support and Supplier performance management.
Provide an engineering support to wells team. Casing design, Kick tolerance calculations, Bit optimization, Torque and Drag analysis, BHA design and Conventional rotary type, Fluid design, primary and remedial cementing and hydraulics design and analysis, Fishing and milling operations, well abandonment design. Supervise an engineering team consisting of 2 x engineers and material coordinator. Analyze daily operations and come up with sensible conclusions and decisions. Replace Drilling Projects Manager or OPS Superintendent during absence or leave.
October 2012 — March 2016
3 years 6 months
Great Britain, bp.com
Oil and Gas... Show more
Wellsite leader
Working on offshore platforms on Caspian sea.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Drilling and Completion of Ultra Extended Reach Big Bore Oil Wells in Caspian Sea. Remote offshore locations and logistic challenges.
- Overall authority for all Platform Drilling and Completion operations, Concurrent Operations Head and Area Authority of Drilling Module, Supervision of Drilling and Completion activities, Preparing detailed drilling instructions for TP/Drillers, Performing DSV duty during rig maintenance periods, Offshore personnel coordination, Engineering support of operations: well control, cementing, drill string calculations, revision of drilling programs, preparing offshore AAR, running well engineering software (EDM), promotion of safety culture
February 2008 — September 2012
4 years 8 months
Shell EP
Sakhalin Oblast, www.shell.com,http://www.sakhalinenergy.com
Oil and Gas... Show more
Drilling Supervisor
Project challenges: Ultra Extended Reach Drilling; Big Bore Wells, Smart completions; Unstable naturally fractured shale; Arctic environment, Remote location and complicated logistics;
Key Responsibilities:
Supervision of Drilling and Completion activities, Offshore material and personnel coordination, Compliance documentation management, Engineering support of operations: Well control, Cement, Drill string calculations, Cuttings recovery estimation, Revision of Drilling programs, Preparing offshore AAR and EOWR, Running Well engineering software Wellplan , Safety leader and auditor. Confirm that all operations are complying with international, Shell and API well control standards and procedures. Operational experience on big bore and super big bore drilling: (9 5/8’’ production tubing, 7’’ open hole gravel pack completion) gas and oil production wells, 4th generation Cyber rigs, Arctic design GBS platforms, (- 55 C and remote logistical challenges)
December 2005 — February 2008
2 years 3 months
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, www.shell.com
Oil and Gas... Show more
Drilling engineer
Key Responsibilities: Drilling Engineering support onshore / offshore, prepared drilling programs, work instructions, equipment ordering and logistics to the rig.
Coordinate drilling personnel on well site,
Casing design, bits optimization, cementing optimization, contractors tendering, Well control mitigation and risks, equipment certification, Land rigs and work over rigs experiences.
August 2003 — December 2005
2 years 5 months
Baker Hughes
Russia, bakerhuges.com
Oil and Gas... Show more
Field Engineer
Primary Responsibilities:
- ESP sizing and application for different well design and surface equipment
- Centrilift ESP installation on workover rigs: commissioning, troubleshooting, maintaining and repairing electrical submersible pumping systems;
- Control VSD operations: commissioning, testing, troubleshooting, maintaining and repairing;
- ESP and surface control system work optimization, recommending sizing and selection of ESP for installations,
- Business trips, business correspondence, project documents, meetings with customers,
- ESP repairing processes assignment at repairing plant,
July 2002 — July 2003
1 year 1 month
Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade
Government Organizations... Show more
Civil Service
Leading specialist at foreign economic department
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Own car
Driver's license category BAbout me
oil, gas, well, drilling, supervisor, engineer, petroleum, production, well, university degree, offshore experience
Higher education (master)
Shell EP Learning Center
Drilling Engineering, Drilling Supervisor
Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum Engineer
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Engineering Management, Management and economics of enterprises
Professional development, courses
Well Control
IADC, Well control for drilling
BP, Wellsite leaders training modules
Well Control / IADC / Well Cap
KCAD / SEIC, Certificate
RTN Industrial technical regulations
Tekhinkom, Certificate
Subsurface Integration/
Shell/Houston, Certificate
Well engineering operations/
Shell/ the Hauge, Certificate
Shell Life: Leadership and management
Shell/ the Hauge, Certificate
Well Control / IWCF
Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas/ Moscow, Certificate
Drilling Fluids/
Shell/ the Hauge, Certificate
Exploration and Production/
Shell/ the Hauge, Certificate
Well engineering fundamentals/
Shell/ the Hauge, Certificate
ESP application engineer/
Wood Group/ Oklahoma, Certificate
Tests, examinations
BP Well Control Assessment
BP, Well Control for Wellsite leaders (Drilling supervisors)
Round 2 (drilling supervisor level)
Shell/ Shell EP learning center, the Hauge, Above average
IWCF: International Well Control Forum
Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas/ Moscow, Above average
Round 1 (drilling engineering level)
Shell/ Shell EP learning center, the Hauge, Above average
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Azerbaijan, Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter