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Male, 31 year, born on 6 May 1992

Considers offers
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Ufa, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

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Backend developer

  • Programmer, developer

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, remote working

Work experience 7 years 8 months

July 2022currently
1 year 10 months

Golang developer
Work in search team. Make the search fast, relevant and convenient. Stack: microservices, golang, pgsql, elasticsearch, k8s, grpc, graphql, kafka
July 2021currently
2 years 10 months


Golang developer
Worked as part of a team on the integration of KYC services and notifications for a platform that offered users the ability to open IBAN accounts and buy/sell cryptocurrencies with fiat accounts. A significant portion of my time was spent working with a team that integrated the platform with a bank, which involved working on the flow for deposit and withdrawal of funds. Communication with the bank was done through an ActiveMQ broker. My work on the project involved developing microservices using Golang and GRPC. We used PostgreSQL for data storage, and Docker for containerization. The team consisted of 3-4 backend developers, QA, and an analyst.
August 2020July 2021
1 year


go/php developer
Contributed to the development of, an online pharmacy that offers fast search for medicines and treatments, as well as online order processing and payment. My work on the platform involved migrating from PHP to Golang, and I worked as part of a team that included two Golang developers, a frontend developer, a QA specialist, and managers. My main responsibilities included developing the core API for the site, which included the catalog, search functionality, advertising materials, and other related features. I also worked on the indexing of products in Elasticsearch and developed a service from scratch for monitoring and synchronizing product data.
August 2018August 2020
2 years 1 month


PHP developer
Worked as part of an 8-person team on the development of a telemedicine platform that included video and audio consultations, chats, house call appointments, clinic partner scheduling, and electronic medical records. The platform was built using a microservices architecture, with the majority of the microservices implemented in PHP (using the Slim framework) and some implemented in Golang. I worked on the backend for both the mobile and web applications, wrote unit and load tests, and was responsible for supporting legacy code, refactoring, and optimization. Additionally, I was involved in integrating the platform with partners. Technologies used included PHP, Golang, MySQL, NATS, Redis, PHPUnit, Swagger, WebRTC, Nginx, Docker, Sentry, and Minio.
April 2017May 2018
1 year 2 months

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

PHP developer
Worked on a service that allows internet shops and restaurants to create a Telegram or Viber bot without coding. During my time on the project, I was responsible for the following accomplishments: Implemented an import feature for the product catalog, which allowed for updating the assortment periodically through either a file or link. This was done using RabbitMQ. Integrated the service with payment systems. Connected the search engine SphinxSearch. Refactored the code. Fully implemented the creation of bots for Viber. Introduced tariffication and a role model. Developed a messaging service to send messages to bot users.
July 2016April 2017
10 months

Saint Petersburg,

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

PHP developer
Worked as part of a team on a startup that provided an expert service to users. The service allowed people to consult with experts in various fields for a small fee, and experts could sell their consultation on the platform. My work involved developing the backend of the service, including creating a REST API for the mobile app and web client. To build the API, we used PHP with the Yii2 framework, MySQL, Swagger, and Nginx. Over a period of 4-5 months, we developed the MVP and brought the project to the alpha testing stage. I worked alongside a project manager, an iOS developer, a designer, and a frontend developer. Unfortunately, the project was closed due to lack of investment.

Key skills

You can change skill levels in the mobile app — the website will have this feature a little later on

Design Patterns

Higher education

Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies, Applied Mathematics and Informatics



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter